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Symposium Brunch: Understanding the History of Psychopharmacology & Its Clinical Value in the Treatment of Addicted Professionals

  • 10/12/2014
  • 9:00 AM - 12:30 PM
  • Home of Dr. Barbara Lurie, Delaire Country Club, 4700 Cherry Laurel Ln. Delray Beach, FL 33445


  • Currently unlicensed professional who has graduated within the past 3 years
  • symposium brunch rate for current members of SEFAPP
  • Professionals who are not current members of SEFAPP.
  • Half-day events only
  • with copy of current student ID

For registrations at the door (8:45am), checks are preferred over cash for payment.
Registration is closed

Presenter: Aldo Morales, M.D.


Presentation: Click here to view/print full brochure.

After attending this intermediate-level program in full, participants will be able to: (1) Describe the manner in which information is transmitted in the nervous system;
(2) Give examples of the serendipitous nature of our discoveries of central nervous system function;
(3) Locate the neuroanatomical structures involved in psychiatric illness;
(4) Describe how our current psychiatric drugs work;
(5) Discuss the evolution of our present pharmaceutical industry.

Note: Registration starts at 8:45am. Please pay by cash or check at the door.  Advanced payments no longer required for symposium events.

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